In the last blog I included a map of the Internet migration of Ivy leaguers to San Francisco. There is a different kind of confirmation of San Francisco's status as the emerging Internet Center.
I've been going to restaurants, dances and public gathering spots lately and the most dramatic change I have seen lately (confirmed by two single hetero men) is the large number of single woman in San Francisco. It is very noticeable.
It turns out that some public metrics must be saying the same because a network news site found the same data. In this study, San Francisco is listed as the number one city for hetero singles. (It has long been the place for gay men, Oakland for lesbians.)
Single women must have some way of getting the word that SF is where the new jobs are and men too.
So far, the Internet explosion is the second major change happening in San Francisco that the political class is too dumb and incompetent to recognize. Fortunately.
The Internet explosion is the secondary effect of politicians driving all big business out of the city, which lowered commercial rents to the point where peninsula commercial rents are higher than S.F. Also the junky commercial space in SF is more desirable for nerds than the high quality space on the peninsula.
(Thanks Alex.)