I will offer a blog summary like this every month on the 1st and 15th.
* The
first I wrote last summer but it is the subject of many emails and
discussions. I now call the subject Predatory Food. There is one and
only one reason for the dramatic increase in obesity nearly everywhere:
food has been evolving to find market niches where the particular food
becomes irresistible. The number of food products on store shelves has
gone from roughly 30,000 thirty years ago to over 80,000 today. These
new foods are aimed at flavor and taste that gets to a small niche of
people and is irresistible. It has nothing to do with corn syrup, which is not used in many countries.
* The second concerns the nature of self defense. I have realized (thanks to the Turkish Armada of Hate) that the right to self defense is the core human right that ranks above all other rights including life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and property. If you can't defend your life what are the other rights? Think of women and slaves.
* I put that together in the case of Jews and Israel. Jews have never had the right to self defense and in the minds of Europeans, the American Left and much of the Muslim world they still don't. That habit of mind is worn deeply into the brain and needs to become a public issue.
I answer the question: "must Europe fail?" There are two opposing examples to look at.
Does talk radio shape the American political agenda? Yes. It has shaped opinion on immigration and Obamacare.
I commented on the final blow to the Left which is now visibly dying with the financial disaster that is Greece. The detailed form of Lefty death is not obvious.
Lastly, I use "diversity" in my blog title and I want to point out that diversity is not tolerance. Tolerance is really holding your nose. Diversity is living and working together regardless of feelings.
There are three blogs that enter new territory of human thought.
* The second concerns the nature of self defense. I have realized (thanks to the Turkish Armada of Hate) that the right to self defense is the core human right that ranks above all other rights including life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and property. If you can't defend your life what are the other rights? Think of women and slaves.
* I put that together in the case of Jews and Israel. Jews have never had the right to self defense and in the minds of Europeans, the American Left and much of the Muslim world they still don't. That habit of mind is worn deeply into the brain and needs to become a public issue.
I answer the question: "must Europe fail?" There are two opposing examples to look at.
Does talk radio shape the American political agenda? Yes. It has shaped opinion on immigration and Obamacare.
I commented on the final blow to the Left which is now visibly dying with the financial disaster that is Greece. The detailed form of Lefty death is not obvious.
Lastly, I use "diversity" in my blog title and I want to point out that diversity is not tolerance. Tolerance is really holding your nose. Diversity is living and working together regardless of feelings.