We know that the State Department fiercely opposed the creation of the State of Israel until Harry Truman shoved it down their Skull and Bones Yalie throats.
As Michael Oren points out (in his Power-Faith-Fantasy), the U.S. State Department was pro-Arab for 200 years, exactly like the British Foreign Office and the French Quai d 'Orsay.
Here is an honest man, with a lifetime in the State Department, the top of U.S. government and a lifetime in the foreign service: Elliott Abrams "In the American government, it is never the State Department bureaucracy that wishes to brave the endless assaults [on Israel] at the UN. Normally the resistance comes not from the various regional bureaus or from the International Organizations bureau, where Israel is so often viewed as a giant pain, but from the White House and sometimes (example: George Shultz) the Secretary of State."
This is what I have always seen. The State Department over-rode the great George Bush in his final year by commandeering his close friend, Condi Rice, and turning her (the highest ranking real black woman [up from slavery] in world history) into an anti-Israel puppet.