I regularly rant about the high level of Jew-hate in Europe. I don't really need to support that thesis, the evidence grows more alarming every day. Jews driven out of Malmo, Sweden, without a peep of protest from anywhere in Europe, should tell you everything. Only Denmark, Holland and Germany are exceptions to the Jew-hate milieu.
It is now clear to me, because I know the history well, that the level of Jew hate in Europe in the 1930s was similar to today. Then, the exceptions were only Denmark and Holland.
When we look at the enthusiasm with which the French, Poles and everyone else, sent their Jews off to the gas ovens, and the deep unwillingness of the Russians or English to stop the Nazi pogroms before the war, it appears to me that: nearly all of Europe would have gassed their Jews if they had been half as competent as the Germans.
The only real protection that Jews in Europe had before 1938 was that every country, other than Germany, had the same incompetent governments that they have today.