See the bottom. Thesis proved.
I haven't seen a good analysis of what is happening in the U.S. these days.
We Americans no longer accept the legitimacy of our government.
There has been a steady rebellion, challenge to the legitimacy of our government, underway since the embarrassment the American public has felt since 1979 when Jimmy Carter became a global clown figure.
* The first public rebellion was the election of Ronald Reagan over the loud opposition by the mainstream media and political elites.
* The second rebellion was the elevation of an unknown weirdo to 34% public support in July of the 1992 presidential election (Ross Perot).
* The subsequent lesser rebellions were the election of a Republican Congress in the off-year 2002 and the overwhelming re-election victory of the much ridiculed (by the main stream media and the political elites) of President Bush.
* The newest and most vigorous open rebellion began after Americans reacted to a financial melt-down in August 2008 and elected an ostensibly moderate reformer (candidate Obama). When the moderate-reformer turned out to be a wild spend-and-tax ghost of the worst of Democratic Party nightmares, the Tea Party emerged along with the new "peoples' goddess" Sarah Palin.
* When Obama and the Democratic Congress showed the most open contempt for the democratic processes, with visible corruption, and the end of legitimacy, the Tea Party exploded into a new mainstream national power.
America is now in complete rebellion, ready for a new direction. No one can know where we are going... we are in the beginning of a ferocious change cycle.
Two weeks after I posted this blog I found this chart in the WSJ of Pew survey data. This data not only supports my thesis, exactly but the timing and dates match mine.
Folks, this is real.