More than a year ago I solved the query: 'Why are so many people getting so fat over the past 25 years?'
With intense self honesty (1) I admitted what was known: everyone in America except yuppies and gay men were getting fat, and (2) what wasn't known: why some national groups aren't getting fat, such as the Japanese.
The consequence of self-honesty, careful data examination and a decade of thought, I concluded that food marketing was evolving to take advantage of intense human appetites. Those appetite temptations were leading to uncontrolable eating.
Turns out the proof was already four years old. Malcolm Gladwell had written this article in the New Yorker about how tomato sauce and mustard had been evolving with mathematical models to reach more people with intense taste preferences. Proof of my thesis.
PPS: I just read a collection of Gladwell's articles