I suspect that there are very few Lefty Jews left among my tens of thousands of readers. So there is no reason to reiterate my strongly held view that such a combination is a social and biological monstrosity.
For the rest of my readers I simply want to keep you posted on the inherent political threats to business of Jew hatred.The Left is always a threat to business. That is the inherent value system of the Left.
The Left has always been somewhat hostile to Jews, Karl Marx hated them. The reason is simple: Jews, like many other peoples in the world have a high proportion of good business people. That is sufficient reason for Lefties to hate Jews. As Thomas Sowell has pointed out, the same hatred is always directed against overseas -Chinese for the same reason.
If you are in business or love business, it is worth appreciating the fact that Jew-hate is a good early sign of impending attacks on business. Fidel Castro's Lefty revolution immediately drove out 9,500 of Cuba's 10,000 Jews.
Jew hate is like the canary in the mine. When the canary dies, the miners are next.
This is to let you see into the future of business a little bit. Jew-hate is boiling over in Venezuela. Lefty Venezuela should be good evidence that Jew-hate thrives in the land of Lefties and always has. It is the forerunner of anti-business politics.