Most of my readers know what samizdat
means. Samizdat refers to the system, in communist and other
totalitarian countries, where the government and media suppressed
literature and news. Literature, articles and news was clandestinely
printed and distributed.
It is obvious that we have an extensive
samizdat in the U.S. and have had for a long time. Richard Nixon was
hated by every Lefty, every academic, every journalist and every public
media; yet Americans gave him 520 electoral votes over the Left's
beloved McGovern's 17 votes in 1972. The same with Ronald Reagan who
got 525 electoral votes over the Left's beloved Walter Mondale in 1984.
Again the same with George W. Bush who beat John Kerry and Edwards by
31 states to 19 in 2004.
So how have Americans been getting their news and information for the past 45 years? Samizdat. And what constitutes samizdat: word of mouth until roughly 1993 when it became talk radio. After 2000 it became talk radio, Fox News and the Internet.
When is some sociologist going to be non-Lefty enough to do research on this amazing phenomenon?
So how have Americans been getting their news and information for the past 45 years? Samizdat. And what constitutes samizdat: word of mouth until roughly 1993 when it became talk radio. After 2000 it became talk radio, Fox News and the Internet.
When is some sociologist going to be non-Lefty enough to do research on this amazing phenomenon?