We are having a little trouble getting along in the world since Magellan (500 years ago) first showed everyone that we live on the same planet.
These days, I find evidence that we are living in the second global world. The evidence that travelers and traders were functioning globally at an earlier time (before Magellan) are weak and scattered but they are suggestive.
Let me put just a few of them in a list that suggests pre-Magellan world interaction. I apologize for not giving links, that would take too much time and most links would be controversial.
* In many archeological digs, worldwide in the period 3-5,000 years BP (before the present) are found a packet of 21 herbal remedies and seeds to grow the herbs. One such herb is aloe a cure for nearly every skin problem.
* Pyramids were built in Egypt, North America and Mezzo America 3-4,000 years BP.
* Viking traders went to China 3,000 years BP. Their bones and clothes have been found.
* Israelites had a Kingdom with judges and legal protections for widows, infants and slaves, 3,000 years BP. Israelites traded with China 2,000 BP, Hebrew nursery rhymes occur in Northern Japan.
* Persian Kings sent silk weavings to newly crowned Japanese emperors 1,500 years BP.
* Buddhist monks traveled across the Pacific from China and ended up in Guatemala, naming many towns on their way from their landing point in Long Beach, CA.
* Ropes with similar knots that were used as aids for mnemonic memory exist in Japan and Mezzo America to this day.
That is a sample of my evidence for an earlier global network, take it or leave it. I wanted it one place for future reference.
These days, I find evidence that we are living in the second global world. The evidence that travelers and traders were functioning globally at an earlier time (before Magellan) are weak and scattered but they are suggestive.
Let me put just a few of them in a list that suggests pre-Magellan world interaction. I apologize for not giving links, that would take too much time and most links would be controversial.
* In many archeological digs, worldwide in the period 3-5,000 years BP (before the present) are found a packet of 21 herbal remedies and seeds to grow the herbs. One such herb is aloe a cure for nearly every skin problem.
* Pyramids were built in Egypt, North America and Mezzo America 3-4,000 years BP.
* Viking traders went to China 3,000 years BP. Their bones and clothes have been found.
* Israelites had a Kingdom with judges and legal protections for widows, infants and slaves, 3,000 years BP. Israelites traded with China 2,000 BP, Hebrew nursery rhymes occur in Northern Japan.
* Persian Kings sent silk weavings to newly crowned Japanese emperors 1,500 years BP.
* Buddhist monks traveled across the Pacific from China and ended up in Guatemala, naming many towns on their way from their landing point in Long Beach, CA.
* Ropes with similar knots that were used as aids for mnemonic memory exist in Japan and Mezzo America to this day.
That is a sample of my evidence for an earlier global network, take it or leave it. I wanted it one place for future reference.