There can be no question that the God of Moses punished the enemies of Israel, entire tribes and nations for their hostility to Israel.
How do we interpret that divine behavior today? Answer: the early Protestants, particularly Cotton Mather and the New England Puritans believed that God punished entire peoples, which is the reason for enforcing strict morals on the entire community: our definition of Puritanism.
Another believer in punishment of entire nations is our contemporary Jeremiah Wright. Barack and Michelle Obama were his close personal friends and he was their religious mentor of twenty years. Wright's statement about "God damn America" for the 9/11 twin towers attack was entirely based on the notion of a whole nation being punished by God for immorality.
If Cotton Mather and Jeremiah Wright are correct about the Christian God then all Spaniards can expect to go to Hell and so can the Brits and Norwegians who all seem to be boiling over with Israel-hate.
I assume any God would also punish the Arabs and Persians for their Israel-hate, but I'm not so sure that there is the same god in charge of Muslims who handles Jews and Christians.