The New York Times (founded by a Jew) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (a Reform Jew) have defined 'chutzpah' for everyone.
The NY Times refused to publish the emails revealing fraud, deception and pure scientific malice on a vital issue of climate change where world leaders are currently planning to spend trillions of dollars. The Times claims these were stolen emails and should not be published.
This is the same NY Times that last year on Sept. 17th published stolen emails from Sarah Palin that revealed nothing except private account addresses of her friends and family. That defines chutzpah.
Senator Barbara Boxer called for criminal investigation into the hacked emails that reveal her Senate votes and persistent anti-CO2 bills are based on phony data. "You call it Climate-gate. I call it E-mail-theft-gate," Boxer said at a hearing Wednesday.
This from a woman who never said a peep during the Palin stolen email revelations even when the thief was known to be the son of a Democratic Congressman. Again, the definition of chutzpah.