Capitalism exists only as part of a package of Socialism and Communism. Three isms developed by people who hated the incipient industrial commerce that they saw in 1820.
All three isms have commerce functioning in their midst, but the focus of the isms (Capitalism, Socialism and Communism) is about the amount of commerce that is owned and controlled by government.
Who actually cares how much of commerce government owns?
The only issue is the extent to which commerce is thwarted. In all Communist nations commerce was and is so severely thwarted that nearly all the people are hungry and most of the people are starving. Such nations have little to export and no money to buy the abundant food that commerce produces everywhere else.
The same is true for Socialist countries. Commerce is thwarted to a lesser extent than under Communism, often by labor unions, and government ownership of vital services. Eventually the Socialist governments and their people figure out that Socialism restricts the ability of a nation to be fully productive, for citizens to be fully human and the Socialism is reduced as rapidly as possible. Think Sweden, China, Israel and East Europe.The appropriate word when one is talking about the subject of capitalism is commerce. Commerce is the driving force of humanity. It is encouraged or thwarted by government policies. The degree of growth or restraint is a matter of interest to those few who understand commerce. The rest can argue ideology.