is what I wrote on Hall's Wikipedia page: "His role as host to
anti-white racist Louis Farrakhan severely disturbed his audience and
ended his TV career." His career on TV was from 1989 to 1994.
Hall is a black comedian who had a popular late night TV show. There
was no reason the show should have died except that Hall self
administered some poison. He invited Louis Farrakhan to appear on his
show and treated him with warmth and humor. I can understand Hall's
behavior. He is black and he has extensive roots in the black
community. The black community has long been tolerant of Farrakhan,
believing him to be 'just a colorful charismatic preacher' of which
there are many in the black church. Three years later Farrakhan was the leader of the Million Man March, which got over 400,000 black men to Washington D.C.
The problem for Hall was and still is that the vast white community of America thinks Louis Farrakhan hates whites, is a threat to white safety and is mentally deranged. Hall's treating him as a rational fellow human being on his TV show created cognitive dissonance in Hall's audience.
The mental gymnastics of cognitive dissonance would act in the following way: (1) 'Farrakhan is a dangerous deranged lunatic (2) Hall is unable to see who Farrakhan is....therefore (3) Hall probably has many elements of a dangerous deranged lunatic himself.'
Goodbye Arsenio. Did you ever learn your lesson? It took Barack Obama awhile to learn the same lesson about his black preacher, but did he really learn?
The problem for Hall was and still is that the vast white community of America thinks Louis Farrakhan hates whites, is a threat to white safety and is mentally deranged. Hall's treating him as a rational fellow human being on his TV show created cognitive dissonance in Hall's audience.
The mental gymnastics of cognitive dissonance would act in the following way: (1) 'Farrakhan is a dangerous deranged lunatic (2) Hall is unable to see who Farrakhan is....therefore (3) Hall probably has many elements of a dangerous deranged lunatic himself.'
Goodbye Arsenio. Did you ever learn your lesson? It took Barack Obama awhile to learn the same lesson about his black preacher, but did he really learn?