The two main search engines I use (Google and Bing) make an effort to find alternative spellings for foreign words.
The problem arises from the extent that the search engines will look for comparable words. This is a particular problem that my son discusses on his blog. There are a large number of Chinese words that are transcribed in Pinyin as: Jing, Qi, Gongfu, Baguazhang, Taijiquan, Daoism, Xingyiquan, Qigong, Tuishou, Jindan, Zuowang, Daodejing, Zhuangzi, Laozi, Yijing, Zhengyi, Liuhe, Beijing
But these words are often based on the Wade-Giles transliterations: (the following are exactly the same words in the same order) Ching, Chi, Kung Fu, Pa Kua Ch’ang, T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Taoism, H’sing-i, Chi Kung, Twai Shou, Chin Tan, T’so Wang, Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tsu`, Lao Tsu`, I-Ching, Cheng-i, Luo He?, Pei King.
My son's blog is about martial arts and Daoism, so it is a problem for him. What other languages have a similar problem because of official government policy in designating word spellings in English?