When we talk about the way business changes over time we often use the metaphor of buggy whip makers.
I think it makes more sense to use photo retouchers as an example.
I'm sure most of my readers have no idea what a photo retoucher is or was.
Prior to 1995, all commercial photographs made on a negative used to go to the highly specialized hands of a professional photo retoucher to have specks, skin blemishes, reflections and lighting errors removed with actual brush work on the photo negative.
Now such retouch work can be done with any photoshop program. While professional photo retouchers still exist there are very few of them.
I prefer the 'creation/destruction' metaphor of commerce to be the photo retoucher rather than the buggy whip because the job of photo retoucher has been replaced by each of us learning to do a formerly specialized job... which is much more the way commerce operates.