Warren Buffett has often said he wants income taxes to be higher.
He explains that he already voluntarily pays the 15% capital gains tax and dividend taxes. He points out that he, and anyone else with high assets could avoid taxes altogether by borrowing every year an amount that would have an interest rate equal to the taxes owed. He would then buy life insurance equal to the amount of the loan. He's right. With high assets no one has to pay income taxes.
He knows that wealthy men at the beginning of the 20th Century (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Astor and Gould) were scorned and vilified by journalists and the entire Left of the U.S.
This has probably protected him from the opprobrium of the kvetching classes.
He has avoided this by publicly demanding higher taxes for the wealthy, such as himself.On a personal basis he has never cared how much money he has, he loves work. Taxation is irrelevant to him.
I credit Warren Buffett with being smart, strategic, and wise.