On a global scale, the Japanese Lower House election of the DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan) is monumental. The DPJ ousted the permanent party of Japan, the LDP, by 2 to 1.
The few parts of the world that pay attention to Japan are all saying this is some voter frustration with economics.
I don't buy that. The Japanese economy is picking up steam at the same pace as several other major industrial nations. The economy was visibly healthy in Tokyo earlier this year when I was there. This August change of government is an 8.7 on the Richter scale.I would like to suggest, without a shred of evidence, that the 98% pacifist Japanese are in fact not cowards. No nation, even a nation of pacifists, can tolerate a Communist-tyrannical-deranged-dictator with nuclear weapons blithely firing missiles over their country without responding. The entire visible, verbal and elected class in Japan ignored the aggressive insanity in their airspace in May of this year.I think this election is a response. Four months later. We Americans would never tolerate a comparable Communist-tyrannical-deranged-dictator with nuclear weapons firing a missile over the United States for the second time. We would never countenence a government that would tolerate such behavior from Cuba even a first time.