am frequently encouraged by good friends to see movies or go to plays
that we both know are Lefty Fundamentalist rants. A film example is
Food Inc.
I don't go, these days. Why?
My friends are implicitly suggesting that my positions would be changed if I heard the rant that they enjoyed.
own view of the matter is that I have heard the gist of these arguments
for my entire life and particular details are not significant enough to
change the core issues. To
me, these arguments are part of a general argument that I call
Dickens-Marx. Dickens-Marx is an ideology that developed in the 19th
Century as a rebuke to the earliest manifestations of industrial
commerce. The argument is irrelevant today.
It is an
argument that is very similar to the 14th Century argument about the
corporeality of angels, the validity of the Trinity, the Virgin birth
and the existence of the Limbo. The argument is similar to the 16th
Century debate about free will. The 17th Century debates about man in
the state of nature, the 18th century arguments about the immortal soul
and reincarnation, the 19th Century debates on human evolution.
I have little or no interest in these arguments. None of them were
based on testing by reference to empirical evidence. There isn't a
shred of empirical evidence to support the Lefty ideology of
Dickens-Marx... why waste time. So the Left hates big corporations. (It would be better if they didn't use a phone, never use the Internet, never fly, rent a car, stay in a hotel, go shopping for food or buy clothing.)
From an emotional vantage
point, metaphorically, I live with rainbows in the bright sun, commerce is
the source of health, vitality, wealth and personal authenticity. The stodgy old arguments and Dickens-Marx rants are storm clouds that support
emotional depression....
The storm clouds come and go if you let them.