I find the descendants of slaves rather muddled on a fairly simple issue.
Descendants of slaves and many Neanderthal Lefties fail to understand the nature of slavery.
The odious slavery of American history (obviously not just American) had three components: (1) the individual had his work and and the main components of his life determined for him by others, (2) the individual could not readily escape his situation, and (3) his children faced the same life prospects that he did.
If you can understand these three conditions that define slavery you surely will have no trouble finding the same way to define life under communism in the USSR (Iron curtain), Mao's China, Castro's Cuba today, North Korea today or the former Soviet East Europe. Each of these definitions fit life in these communist countries perfectly: Slavery. Virtually no one could or can leave these 'socialist paradises', and if they did or do, their families were and are punished.
Tyrant Danny Ortega and tyrant Hugo Chavez are trying to create modern slave states in Nicaragua and Venezuela. So who is supporting these people? Descendants of slaves like Danny Glover and many members of the Hollywood Left as I pointed out in the second sentence .