Press Release
Re: Member sues California Academy of Sciences over global warming
Contact: Michael Phillips........
Date of Court hearing: Tuesday June 30 at 1:30
Location of Court: San Francisco Superior Court (Small Claims) Dept. 506 5th Floor, 400 McAllister St.
The California Academy of Sciences is being sued by a member of the museum for not using science in the global warming exhibit.
The member is Michael Phillips a business consultant, author and expert witness on business and environmental issues. Mr. Phillips is quoted as saying:
"Children get the wrong idea of science when they see the Global Warming exhibit. They are told that each child must personally change their lifestyle, eat vegetarian and ride bicycles when they get older, to keep the effects of humans from over heating the planet, raising the oceans and killing baby polar bears. (I'm not kidding)
"The whole exhibit, taking up a large part of the main floor, is based on a 20 year old theory, from Jim Hansen, and doesn't present any conflicting scientific evidence."
"One wall map shows a large northern polar island that is all ice. The map shows no name for the island. In the real world the island is named Greenland; the island got its Green name in 900 AD because the global temperature was high enough at the time for Greenland to grow wheat, rye, barley and trees.
"Most children will be interested in science when it is based on careful analysis of data, serious arguments, open discussions and testing of theories against new technologies. That is not true of the California Academy of Science exhibit. In the case of the Human caused Global Warming theory the new technologies to test against are satellite data and vast ocean measurements. None of the new technology data is offered at the Global Warming exhibit because it contradicts the Hansen theory."
Mr. Phillips wants his $159 family membership returned
and an apology for presenting an inadequate pseudo-scientific display
on the main display floor.
The outcome:
Judge orders case dismissed with prejudice against the California Academy of Sciences. Academy refunds my membership money and will do the same for any other member who objects to the absence of scientific data in the global warming exhibit.
First article in the S.F. Examiner. TV coverage on S.F. KTVU Channel 2.
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