I was about to recommend an over-the-counter treatment for colds. I had looked into the medical study data of zinc treatment for colds, rhinoviruses, several years ago and found that only zinc acetate had a measurable positive effect, the two other forms of zinc had no effect. The product I have used for the past year, along with my partner, has had a positive effect; it is produced by
Matrixx Inititative Corp.

The problem for me, in recommending this product, is that the bottle and the website never say what the dosage of zinc acetate is in the soluble pills. They don't say anywhere. On the bottle it also says Vitamin C and Homeopathic.
Vitamin C is not listed as an active ingredient, but if it is active it can destroy the zinc acetate.
The leading homeopathic company in the world has been my client and I have visited their production facility. Homeopathic on a bottle can mean a closed container of zinc was waved over a vat of water that water was later used to make the pill. It can mean one molecule per bottle of 45 pills. Or it could mean much more zinc but homeopathic purists would consider that a less effective treatment.
Don't buy Matrixx stock, they are swindlers. I favor more active FDA rules on over-the-counter remedies. Buyer beware. No useful product information on the bottle or the website. Buyer beware of Matrixx Corp.