If you ever wondered what tyranny feels like, there is an expensive movie for you to see.
Every great tyrant from Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Ho Chi Minh to Kim Jong Il has tried to work the national ideology into every fabric of education in subtle and not so subtle ways. Ideology is always intertwined deeply in every lesson.
Today the heirs to this tradition are still at work, of course using the apocalyptic environmental visions of fear to promote their version of social-conformist-tyranny.
The movie is Under the Sea 3D which I saw in IMAX. The seats in San Francisco cost $16 and the film is 40 minutes short. The flora and fauna are fascinating and beautiful. The incessant message is that human CO2 emission is killing the flora we see on the screen, including the coral reefs, and driving the fauna to extinction.
Sit through this piece of pervert ideology and know what living under a tyrant feels like, except the tyrants listed above had driven their societies to abject poverty and had no money or talent to make a visually powerful piece of propaganda like this film.
P.S. Don't miss the comment by Susan below.