The NAACP is trying to stay alive despite the fact that it has been a failure for more than half a century. It is now taking on some unmeasurable objective in a foreign land, Darfur, and in propaganda-land, Global Warming.... this will not save a failed organization.
The NAACP takes credit for the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education school integration case. Untrue. The case was brought by the separate NAACP Legal Defense Committee founded by the late Justice Thurgood Marshall. To know how separate the two organizations are: the NAACP sued the NAACP Legal Defense for the use of its name and lost.
The NAACP had a fraud running for two years at its top ranks and was never able to clean up the mess: Ben Chavis President.
The failed NAACP brings to mind the March of Dimes. Despite raising tens of millions of dollars for polio, the March of Dimes played no role, zero, in the discovery of the Salk vaccine against polio. After polio was eliminated, the great fund raising skills of the March of Dimes merely marched on to raise money for birth defects, Darfur and global warming. I'm kidding about the last two.