The poobahs in Europe at talking about creating an international set of protocols for financial organizations. Now is the time to tell the European poobahs that they are going to suffer the consequences of their endless support of the United Nations. No new international institutions should be created until we have one that isn't part of the 4th Reich (The UN is a global mouthpiece for Hitler's anti-Jew values).
No international body can be trusted. The UN is a horrible example of
how wrong the international community can be when it is organized. The
second Israeli woman is banned from Dubai (actually the magazine with
her picture on the cover) and there is not a peep from anyone
anywhere. Certainly not in Europe, certainly not from the UN, fount of
Jew hate, sponsor of Dubai I and II (I mean Durban I and II).
Time to create John McCain's Coalition of Democracies. Time to point out to President Obama that George Bush would not have let Dubai get away with such blatant racism.
Segway 1:
This is the first instance where we will see that Obama may have no balls. He certainly didn't have the balls to comment on Eric Holder's gutless accusations about whites being cowards. For pure personal cowardice and unwillingness to fight for their country, the black community that owes much of its civil rights to the U.S. Army has been anti-Army for a decade. The black community has a leadership made up of genuine cowards; black leaders never defend the honest blacks and the great blacks among them (Condi Rice, Gen. Powell, Justice Thomas, Bill Cosby or Thomas Sowell).
Segway 2:
I see two similar patterns emerging. Calls for more UN type 4th Reich organizations. People helping the black community (as the Jews did for forty years of civil rights support) and watching the black leaders piss on them.