The Turks have a millennium old reputation for being the world's worst torturers, followed closely by the Arabs.
But both groups now have to compete with the hippies for the world's worst torturer title.
Two hippie creations:
First is the contribution of the Hippy New Agers. They introduced every conceivable health and healing treatment, many imaginary. My favorite, one that actually works, is the Netipot. Netipot is small specially shaped jar into which you pour salt water; you then pour the saline solution into one nostril with your head upside down and blow the saline solution out the other nostril. Clears your sinus...very well.
The Netipot is waterboarding. A popular current torture. Soldiers practice with a Netipot so that waterboarding won't scare them.
The second great torture contribution came from the Hippy stoners. They invented rock music. Rock music is the most popular current form of torture. It was first used to drive Manuel Noriega out of his Papal sanctuary in Panama City, when he was surrounded with loudspeakers blaring rock music.
These days, I'm told, three days of loud, incessant rock music will get any torture victim to yield any desired secret information.
My big question, if any of my readers are in the torture business, is what bands drive people to beg for mercy first? Are they San Francisco originals like the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother or Quicksilver?