Reading the daily news is very disturbing for me. I keep saying, in
this blog, that we live in the 4th Reich and we do. Hitler's ideas have conquered the world. Only a few American Jews, all Israelis and a few
of our friends have the slightest grasp of the extent and horror of
this hate Jews era.
Every national leader except Germany's (the U.S. is now equivocal) and the entire U.N. is saying 'Die Jews die'.
We've just lost the only important friend Jews have had in 2,500 years (George. W. Bush). We have been thrown to the dogs. Jews are to be hunted like rabbits and offer no more resistance than rabbits are allowed.
Proportional response, ceasefire, negotiate with Hamas, excessive civilian casualties...these are all euphemisms for 'Die Jews die.'
Postscript: To know how bad things can get in England these days read Melanie Phillips (no immediate relation)...There will be 1/10th the number of Jews remaining in anti-Semitic England in a decade.