If you have a boy in an urban public school chances are he will get beaten up between grades 3 and 9 by black or Latino boys. Most likely several times. And you the parent will never know about it. The same is true for a girl if the black or Latino minority exceeds 10% of the school.
No kid in his right mind will tell his parent that he got beaten up. Reason: the clumsy, self righteous parent will go to the school and demand action against the minority kids involved. At the worst, the school will try to do something and the perpetrators and their friends will have a new and better reason for beating up your kid.
I remember this happening to me more than 60 years ago - Mexican kids.
You may hear about it when your kid is grown up. If you ask in a genuine listening mode.
That's the way the world works. Its too easy to forget as you get older.