I spent time in Laos where I got to see the Lao people being trained in bombi removal (by U.S. troops from Ft. Lewis). Bombi's are the baseball size bomblets that were dropped inside cluster bombs in the late 1960's war in Vietnam. Just before hitting the ground the cluster bombs opened and about 2/3rds of the bombis exploded, the rest landed and remained dangerous like landmines.
Just as the Israelis have often designed specific weapons for unique problems (like destroying airfields in Egypt during the 1967 war, delivered by very light trainer jets) the brilliant Israeli's have done it again. Tunnels have become a problem because the Egyptian Arabs won't stop the Gazan Arabs from burrowing out of Gaza into Egypt.
What the Israeli Airforce has done is designed a unique cluster bomb to penetrate the tunnel with GPS based accuracy then wait a half hour to discharge the hundreds of bombis into the surrounding sand and soil. The bombis are now landmines buried deeply and invisibly under all the land used for tunnel building.
No more tunnels for the Gaza Arab murderers. They will be killed trying to dig. Killed by the hundreds no matter what technology they try to apply.