James Lewis argues that the Bush Derangement Syndrome is really the classic 'Kill the King, praise the Messiah' story. I don't agree but it is worth reading.
I don't agree because the Bush Derangement Syndrome so easily slid into the Palin Derangement Syndrome. I think the syndrome is based on four elements: 1) the rise of a genuine alternative position to the Lefty religious ideology over the past 20 years, 2) The easily recognizable decline of the vast Lefty media-academic tyranny 3) the mounting 20th Century evidence that the Left is wrong, genocidally wrong and 4) Lefties are basically unhappy people looking for a place to vent their anger.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV currently being revised should have the Bush Derangement Syndrome as a major category...but it won't. The field of psychology attracts unhappy lost souls..by definition: Lefties.
Fascinating focus (quite long) on the way the 'scientific community' abnegated the Medieval Warming Period. The earth was much warmer than today in the period from 950 to 1250CE. Charts included.
I knew this because I read all the known Nordic Sagas. The story is in the Saga of Eric The Red who settled Greenland and was the first discoverer of America to leave a record. Eric's fellow settlers raised rye and barley on vast lands that are today covered by ice.
I suspect that the North Pole was an open ocean at the time and that Eric the Red and the Portuguese fishermen who plied those waters put the idea of the Northwest Passage into the European geographic lexicon. You heard that thesis here, first, by the way.