Schadenfreud is the pleasure you get when someone else suffers. Thousands of Lefties are suffering miserably but I will only admit to a tiny pleasure. I prefer that social change occur because people are drawn to a positive magnet, such as Pro Commerce, not punished by their antiquated socialist religion.
I am one of the few people who know how much the Left is suffering. They faced a perfect storm in the past six weeks.
First, they got their Messiah elected president of the United States entirely because of a global financial catastrophe, not because of anything about his politics. Then he appointed a cabinet that will implement nearly all of George Bush's international policies. The Left lives with an insane hatred of President G.W. Bush (and Sarah Palin)
Finally, Bernie Madoff, wiped out the JEHT foundation. Madoff himself was a Lefty who funded the Democratic Party heavily. The JEHT was giving away over a billion dollars to hundreds of pure Lefty causes. The list of organizations that got JEHT money over the past few years will gladden the heart of any pro commerce or conservative reader and evoke misery among Lefties.
My contribution to helping readers understand the perfect storm nature of this last event is to point out what has happened to hundreds of Lefty do-gooder organizations. Each one got grants worth 10-20% of their annual revenues for a two year period or more.
These are non-profits. Non-profits are run 98% of the time by incompetent managers because they were never employed by a good manager. So a non-profit getting a big boost in its funding will hire more people, build infra-structure, raise pay and will brag and make commitments to their clientele.
Now with a significant part of their budget gone, with no managerial skill they will have no idea of what to do, other than reek havoc in the non-profit donor world and complain so loudly that everyone around them will suffer. They will just wallow in misery for a year or more.
Perfect storm...with all the meanings and nuances of that recently created phrase.