My wonderful friend Carol made a contribution to 'Yes on Proposition 8', the California initiative supporting the male/female combination as the requirement of marriage.
Carol got a message on her phone
machine from a 'No on 8' supporter politely excoriating her for her
contribution. Around here with people being fired for making
contributions like Carol's and 'hate' signs all over the 'No on 8'
marches, this could be a little frightening.
I contribute to many campaigns and now I will have to give special thought to the retribution that I might have to expect from the hate mongers out there in the political world. I know how much hatred there has been for President Bush and recently towards Governor I know where the bulk of the hatred comes from.
That isn't the issue. I favor open reporting on campaign contributions. I think the response to Carol and other contributors was 'really offensive'.
What we need are laws punishing anyone who uses public campaign information (and other similar information) to harass and threaten. We also need an enforcement agency to pursue that specific transgression.
Of course we'll get such protective legislation when a few elected officials find their contributors being harassed.
P.S. If I had gotten a phone call such as Carol's I would have told the caller I was black and that the caller was a bigoted, KKK racist.