I'm not a coward. I have seen from September 11th 2001 that we are in a war against some major part of Islam. I'm not afraid to see war for what it is. War... people die. People have to die to stop it. I see a cowardice in the vast numbers of people who deny the reality of this war.
For those of you who are not cowards, it is time to look at the evolution of this war. David
Hazony does a great job of summarizing the evolution of the Islamic terror.
Mumbai is a case where a tiny militia, fully armed and trained, invaded by boat. This was a significant advance over previous terror tactics. The kill ratio was better than 10 to 1 of victims to perpetrators. Like the two planes and the Twin Towers in NY. Horrifying.
What David fails to mention is what happened in Iraq. When a beachhead was established in Anbar province, tens of thousands of Jihadis poured into the country from the rest of Islam to support the insurgent terrorists.
That can and will happen again. Next time the battle front will be a beachhead that is secured by commandos with a route of reinforcement.