you think MSM is only an acronym for Mainstream Media you are in for a
big surprise. Not only does it have another more important meaning but
that meaning refers to a an issue that will probably shock you as much as it
shocked me.
I was investigating the black vote for California Prop 8 where blacks voted overwhelmingly against gay marriage. One anecdote I heard from black women was that black women were against gay marriage for fear that it would encourage even fewer marriages of black men to black women. They said that black men disproportionally prefer male sex partners to women.
So in talking to a friend who works on HIV/AIDs for the UN I learned about the terminology that UN World Health uses: MSM, males sex with males. It has nothing to do with homosexuality or gender issues, it is simply a label used by epidemiologists while working on HIV/AIDs.
MSMs constitute a large proportion of Arab males as I have mentioned here repeatedly. MSM is a dominant behavior in Africa where AIDs has been spreading rapidly and it is common in the American Black population as well.
What do you know? We have a term for male sex with males when the parties involved don't call themselves homosexuals. It sure messes up a lot of stereotypes and prejudices.