It is hard to ignore the reality of global issues when you know how to use the Internet.
(1) I keep saying the financial world is well aware of the likelihood of a
nuclear Iran and the inherent danger that follows for the whole
commercial world (the real cause of the past year's market crash). The
best source on the details of Iranian weapons grade production of U235
is from the Wisconsin Project.
By the end of next month the deadly threshold will be passed. Iran will be turning 3.8% U235 into 90% U235 for their first atomic bomb. The deadly threshold is the presence of weapons grade material that will spread in the air, after an attack on Iran, to a large geographic area, including American troops all over the middle East, just like Chernobyl.
(2) Americans who appreciate the peacekeeper role of a global hegemon for the United States are definitely the minority. Since no other country has the Navy, the wealth or the operational skill, we must think about the U.S. taking responsibility for safety on the high seas and combating piracy. The International Maritime Bureau is the source of data on the extent of piracy. Take a look at the map for 2008. Piracy is a very serious military and commercial problem.
Note the photo of Iranian hangings. What do you think of modern hanging techniques? Think about how it is done. The hangman now has to operate a crane.