The coming of the messiah is a very old
focus of human attention in the parts the world that developed around
the Mediterranean, including the Arab world.
The prevailing religions of our modern day are based on a messiah (Christianity), the return of a messiah (Mao and Stalin), the end of the world (Global Warming) or a messianic age when all people have the same belief (Islam). There is also a dominant ideology that the messianic age will dawn when all people are under one government (Leftism, Marxism, socialism-communism).
I am here to proclaim that the messianic age is being brought to us by commerce not by all the false messiahs. A pro commerce ideology is one that appreciates that commerce has brought us all the great benefits that humans have wanted a messiah to provide.
Commerce has brought us modernity. The commercial world has ended hunger and extended our lives by many decades as well as providing life for many who formerly died at birth, because of birth, in childhood or from disease before the modern era. Health for everyone, with good teeth, strong legs and feet, treatment for most pestilence and a state of physical well being never before imaginable...they are now ours, thanks to commerce.
And those are the least of the
elements of the commercial messianic age. Individuals are free to
explore their own humanity, values and meaning. We are working in a world with an infinite myriad of occupations never conceived before. Hereditary
classes have been eliminated in America, technological marvels are
everywhere, the poorest Americans have cable TV, cell phones, most have
cars, refrigerators and a bounty of food and pleasure drugs.
Nobody in Cuba even has the freedom to travel much less enjoy the rest of the bounties of the commercial world. The Marxist/socialist/communist messiah never came and never will.
The messianic age is the commercial age. When you appreciate this you may become a pro commerce advocate.