The hippies had thoroughly Christian Science theories of health but they never became Christian Scientists. Why not?
Hippies almost universally believed that they could control their own health by following active health practices including food choices and eschewing scientific medicine. Hippies brought every form of alternative medicine to America from China, India, Africa, the Philippines and the homeopathy of Europe. Yet they ignored Christian Science.
Most hippies believed that right thinking and intense love could cure almost any malady physical or otherwise. This is identical to Mary Baker Eddie's Christian Science. So why didn't the hippies swell the ranks of Christian Science from the hundreds of thousands of Church believers in 1960 to the tens of millions by 1980?
Answer: Christian Science had become too rich, too establish, too lavish and too clean for hippies.
Hippies saw the elegant Romanesque Christian Science Churches with their marble stairs and fluted columns, they saw the clean, neat, sparse, white reading rooms; they saw the wealthy national Christian Science newspaper with its proper delicate typesetting and black & white photos and they knew they weren't welcome.
Too much money is one thing that will destroy a religion if it needs new members.