I saw the movie Slumdog Millionaire. I laughed at different parts than
many others in the audience because some of the jokes were for people
who have spent time in India. Such as the scene where the boys are in
the kitchen gluing the tops back on sealed water bottles.
I highly recommend the movie. It is among the very few international classics. This is a classic that is funny, tragic, traumatic, exciting and is a love story at the same time.
My blog is about remembering the geography of the Taj Mahal. I have a very good visual memory. When I was in college I could remember the page numbers of paragraphs I had read. In the movie, the two brothers fall off a train and find themselves looking at the backside of the Taj, they are on the other side of the river. I definitely don't remember a railroad there.
Drive home and check. Good old Google Earth confirmed my memory.