I'm coming to realize a conflict
inherent in my pro commerce position. Rural people can be brave,
cosmopolitans are often cowards. Commerce creates cosmopolitans.
inherent problem for commerce arises from the need for global political
stability. Industrial commerce needs stability among various needs.
Industrial commerce thrives on stability because the more enduring the
political stability the greater the potential to lower costs, expand
markets and introduce cost saving mechanisms.
On the other hand
global political stability requires, or has so far in the 200 year
human history of industrial commerce, a strong global hegemon. (From the Greek for leader.) First the hegemon was Britannia drawing its army and navy from a largely rural society; for the past 65 years the hegemon has been the United States drawing from a largely urban population.
The United States is badly divided on our role as global hegemon and peace keeper. That is the basic red/blue divide.
In the brief 3 years the U.S. military fought in WWII, the American
public supported the military effort for only the last two years.
Public support only came after the first victories on mainland Europe.
In the 60 years since WWII the U.S. public showed its urban cowardice in several
wars. In the Korean War the U.S. was forced to a draw after fighting
for only 2 years.
* In the Vietnam War, the U.S. faced
cowardice again. The age group of males needed for the Army became
defeatists, resisters and heavy drug users. The rest of their cohort
paraded their cowardice shamelessly. Finally after 8 years of battle
and final victory, the Congress elected in 1974 showed complete
cowardice and withdrew from a war-ending-treaty to hand the enemy complete surrender.
* In a war declared by Iran on the U.S. in 1978 the U.S. only sent in an expeditionary force and failed completely in hours.
In the Desert Storm War in Iraq, which was carried on for only a few
months and produced a military victory, the U.S. settled for a draw.
The public promptly defeated the president in an election shortly
* Finally in a the first victorious war America has
fought in a century, Enduring Freedom in Iraq, the stalwart president
who led the nation was vilified, faced a cowardly Congress that tried
to capitulate with every piece of new legislation and finally saw the soldier/Senator who developed the victorious
Iraq strategy defeated in a Presidential race.

America is now cosmopolitan and
cowardly, like the ultimate cosmopolitan exemplar Woody Allen. America
is having trouble being the hegemonic peacekeeper...we are having real
Cosmopolitanism is entirely the creation of commerce.
The awesome power of the U.S. is the by-product of 200 years of
industrial commerce and a successful pro commerce political
environment. What do we get? We get the cowardly cosmopolitanism that
is in conflict with the need for global stability.
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