This blog is about neocons, improving husbands and Siegfried and Roy. What do these three categories have in common?
Mayor Gavin Newsom came to office five years ago with the intent of proving the core Lefty hypothesis: the only reason poor people are poor is because they lack money or access to good services. So the newly inaugurated Mayor focused the power of his office on 1200 families in San Francisco's poorest neighborhood. He used the full power of his office on these 1200 families including every social service agency, several full time staffers in the mayor's office, every available local, state and federal program, every local community organization and funding from every major private foundation in San Francisco.
The article about this five year intensive campaign focused on the $4 million spent by local foundations but the actual dollars spent from staff time and San Francisco social and health services departments runs into the tens of millions of dollars.
The neocons are a group of former Lefties who worked in Washington D.C. on Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs. They were earnest
Lefties trying to eliminate poverty. After running programs that spent
billions of dollars in a hundred different programs, these are the few people
who decided that money and government could not eliminate
poverty...couldn't even reduce it...probably made conditions for blacks
worse. The neocons
created the modern conservative intellectual movement and are
responsible for programs such as the 1996 End of Welfare. All the
result of their self-honesty and open minds.
'Improving husbands' is the ideology of many young women. It is the belief that with enough love and attention any man can be made into a suitable husband. (Of course some men believe this canard too.) Most divorces, most discussions on Dr. Phil and Oprah's TV programs are about the failure of this idea to work in reality.
Lastly, Siegfrid and Roy were two lion-tamers who entertained the Las Vegas public with the evidence that tigers, with proper training could be made as safe as domestic cats. Well domestic cats are often not too domesticated and the Siegfried and Roy tigers weren't either (I know that Siegfried has a trained-tiger defense of Roy's resulting near death and current rehab conditions).
What has all this got to do with Mayor Gavin Newsom? It is about the mind of the standard Lefty which is unlike the open mind of the neocons,
is much like the attitude of the romantic young women who believe that
husbands can be improved and even more like Siegfried and Roy in their
erroneous but perpetual believe that tigers can be safe companions. (That is Roy on the right with the amulets around his neck.)
The auditor of San Francisco, a uniquely honest and competent bureaucrat, respected by everyone I know, Harvey Rose, at the request of the private foundations, examined the results of fathomless money and effort put into helping 1200 poor families. Rose publish the results of his audit: nothing, nada, no improvement, no benefits.
Unlike the neocons, I doubt that a single San Francisco Lefty has learned any lesson from this pathetic venture. Just like most naive young women who marry a man with the intent of improving him...the Lefties in the world just ignore their own experience. Just like the white tiger that bit Roy Horn on the neck and skull, and doesn't notice anything different from the time before and after the biting, the poor 1200 in San Francisco haven't noticed anything different either.
The entire 20th Centrury from Hitler, to Stalin to Mao and Fidel is about trying to improve humans and humanity (maybe tigers too) and like the Great Society and Mayor Newsom's Lefty ideology...everyone of them has failed. Like romantic girls looking for husbands to improve and Siegfried and Roy the Left never gives up regardless of the empirical evidence.
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