For the moment we have a second presidential candidate with courage.
Senator Barack Obama has publicly said that the black community needs to support fathers raising children, two parent families and emphasizing education. That is a public position of great courage. Obama already knows he is out on a limb with Blacks and Lefties. Jesse Jackson has already attacked him.
black who has had the courage to say the same thing, or demonstrate the
truth of the statement, has had their blackness removed by the Left.
Among the born blacks who are now white we have Bill Cosby, Clarence
Thomas, Thomas Sowell, General Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. Good company from my point of view.
We should expect a measurable drop in the crime rate in the next decade as a result of Senator Obama's statements. Crime has been a disproportionately Black occupation of choice.
In case you were surprised to hear Jesse J use the 'N' word, you haven't spent much time in the Black community. Blacks call each other 'n_gg_ ' about 50 times an hour. It means being black and adhering to the victimized underclass mentality.