If you think we have a problem getting young people to study the sciences, just wait ten years for the time when the Global Warming hysteria has passed.
Public support for "science" is at its peak right now. Its downhill from here on as the public comes to know how much the 'scientific community' has misled everyone, especially with the unmitigated BS that there is a consensus among "scientists" about human caused global warming.
I watched the environmental movement become a ghost of itself after 1993 when I first announced that the global population explosion had ended. The enviros were never honest enough to admit the demise of their Armageddon.
Science will lose out, technology will not.
I expect people to begin to understand that science and technology are largely independent fields of human endeavor. Technology will gain, science will slip. Technology almost always leads science in opening new worlds of understanding, just as it did with the Hubble telescope that opened whole new fields of astronomical studies. Science is the realm of models and testable hypothesis, for which the Hubble was used to test a variety of hypothesis....a few of which were appropriate.
I've created a public table of global temperatures since 1968 with two charts, one since 1968 and the other since 1993. The source is the Hadley Center at the University of East Anglia in Norwich England.
The data makes it clear that, based on 5,000 temperature measurements covering the globe, there has been no global warming since 1998. The data is pretty clear, we are in a level or declining temperature period.