I know that many of my readers don't read the NYTimes nor follow many other blogs. For these readers I want to make two points.
* The NYTimes (called the Grey Lady by staffers, called the Constipated Grey Lady by me) did an editorial on Friday that attacked Obama for renouncing public campaign funding, opposing the Supreme Court ruling against capital punishment for child rape and for 'moving toward the center'. The Times had an op-ed by Frank Rich attacking the faux presidential seal and moving to the center. She also had a comment adjacent to an article saying that Obama's faith based plan was a sham because it requires churches to hire non-church members as employees.
The Times no longer considers Obama as the Messiah.
* The relevance of this is that the Grey Lady is the head of the Democratic Party. What she says and does has always shaped the direction and sentiment on the Left. Nearly every other Lefty follows lock-step in the path of the Grey Lady: cartoonists, magazines, blogs, TV news...Party leaders. With the Party leader against Obama the Democratic Convention should be one giant uproar or one miserable crying fest.
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