You can order products with Pro Commerce on them from Cafe Press. I recently updated the clock with a different version of the logo, having lived with a lesser version for six months. The new one is OK but slightly off-center. I have tried all the other products at the site as have a few of my friends. They are all high quality.
Why would any intelligent person buy a product with Pro Commerce on it? They wouldn't.
But a super intelligent, open minded person might. I have been right about many subjects far ahead of the rest of the population, sometimes decades as in the case of random legislatures. As early as 1963 I wrote my U.C. Berkeley economics masters thesis on the reasons the U.S. Post Office should be sold (the thesis was rejected for ideological reasons). The U.S. Postal service was spun off less than a decade later.
I know I am right about Pro Commerce/Anti-Commerce being the core perspectives of the American worldview half a century from now.
That is why you, as a super intelligent open minded person, would get a few Cafe Press-Pro Commerce products and hold them.
We have valuable future collectors items on the market right now. You may have to hld them for fifty years.