If Obama is doing any racial good for the country, it is only from now through the Democratic Convention and into the Fall campaign.
Why? Think about the post election scenario:
If Obama loses we will have many explanations but racism will be the
blame. The Left can never accept failure for any reason other than
identity politics and associated white male oppression. For a country
where anti-black racism has declined for forty years, no further
progress will be possible once Obama loses and the Left elevates racism to new heights.
If Obama
wins, it will be worse. It will be just like the Presidency of John
Kennedy. Kennedy was hated with incredible vitriol by the majority of
Americans, regardless of the fantasy that post assassination media have
J.F.K was far to the Left of the American voting public. Obama
is just as much a Lefty radical as was Kennedy and he will evoke the
same hatred of his politics that Americans always have for Lefty
politics. Maybe even worse because Obama is now further to the Left of America than Kennedy was to the Left of America in his day.
The hatred will be directed at Obama's politics but hatred gets ugly (the way Bush derangement syndrome does) and it will often be expressed in the form of racism.
That is my prediction. Unfortunate but more than just an idle projection of past politics.