I'm betting on Puritanism. I know of nothing that is
deeper, more significant nor more persistent than American Puritanism.
It raises its head every time in every circumstance where it is
So what is the relevance of American Puritanism to this year's election.
Puritanism is the underlying, driving force in opposition to smoking. The anti-smoking sentiment is ferocious. If you doubt me, ask any smoker.
The political benefit that Obama derives from being known as a smoker among blue color workers, who are the bulk of our smokers, will be negligible. They won't vote for a fellow smoker. Having talked to them, I can say without hesitation that they feel no solidarity with other smokers, they just express guilt and frustration at their own inability to stop smoking.
I know, I love tobacco and will join a group of smokers cowering outside a building, if I have a cigarette with me. I love cigars too. However, because I am an athlete who doesn't like the effect of smoke on my lungs, I only smoke on the rarest of occasions, outdoors at a coffee shop or with the one or two friends who smoke on their back porch. I sympathize with smokers and have spent a great deal of time talking with them.
I also know the approbation of anti-smokers. I don't think that the vast number of anti-smokers in America, who look upon smokers as "pathetic moral weaklings" will ever let a smoker in the White House.
"A smoke free White House" will be the sub-text of this election.