Have you noticed that telecom is virtually an unregulated field these days.
As recently as five years ago, most telephone calls were made from land lines owned by a few giant telecom companies that were under state regulators. If you didn't like something you had a state regulatory body to complain to.
Today, nearly all phone calls are made over wireless systems and computer transmitted digital signals that are completely unregulated.
This has been a major transition in the telecom business with very little comment.
We all complain about the high cost of cell phone service, the unwarranted two year contracts and the periodically poor quality of the transmission but there are so few complaints that nothing rises to the level of a call for new regulation.
Most complaints are minor and directed at issues of fraud or deceit that are handled by consumer affairs government offices.
The reality is that an unregulated field is working fine, despite the consolidation of the wireless companies into a few giants. Even fewer in the near future.