When you start to question the Lefty version of the world it is inevitable that you are forced to question the whole conglomerate of Lefty institutions. Which is worse, labor unions, environmentalists or innocent people who support their positions?
In this Wall Street Journal article, today, Environmentalists Oppose Air-cleanup Plan, by Jim Carlton, we learn that the leading enviro group NRDC has joined with the Teamsters and other unions to stop Long Beach and LA harbors from expanding. Both harbors are near capacity, as well they should be; exports are booming.
These two adjacent harbors handle 50% of all the shipping, by volume, in the U.S., in and out. They handle 60% of the U.S. cargo by value. That is a lot. The rest of our shipping is scattered around 10 other ports.
As the WSJ reports, the NRDC and the Teamsters are trying to use environmental review legalities to keep the harbors from expanding to handle increased trade. They make no bones about their fake environmental position. The NRDC is opposed to GNP growth and unions are opposed to any jobs that aren't union.
This is serious competition to severely damage the U.S. economy to put many people out of work and to make sure that fewer new jobs are created in our society. The Allied forces in WWII tried to bomb ball-bearing plants in Germany; ball-bearings were seen as critical to the survival of an industrial nation.
Like the Allies trying to destroy Germany, the NRDC and the Teamsters are in a serious competition to see who can do the most damage to America.