In case you missed the hippy revolution, the burden has fallen to me to bring you up-to-date on what happened and the consequences.
One of the main failures of the hippy revolution was the widespread acceptance and application of the core idea of global-personal metonomy: hippies believed that what you do on a personal level can effect the world. If you are nice to each other, eventually the world will be peaceful.
This core idea had the immediate effect of hippies trying to run communes and coops without management. They said 'what do we need management for, we can operate as a democratic consensus group.' As a consequence the hippies never learned organizational skills and never built any enduring organizations (with the exception of one hippie who created Apple Corporation).
In order to keep this core idea from being blatant nonsense the hippies found a hero in Lyall Watson, a biologist who created the hundredth monkey idea. The 100th monkey idea was that any new wisdom would spread person to person until 100 people knew it then magically it would spread to everyone in an instant.
Lyall (I knew him) got his idea from a Japanese report that monkeys who were given dirty potatoes on a river near Kyoto learned to wash the potatoes in the river. It was reported that after a few tribes of monkeys figured out this innovation, all the monkeys in Japan learned how to do it.
Trouble was, the reality was better. Only young monkeys learned to wash potatoes and it spread only to young monkeys, mostly by imitation. Old monkeys never did learn to wash the potatoes.
But the hundredth monkey theory needed a theoretical model. That was soon provided by Rupert Sheldrake who criss-crossed the hippie world giving lectures on morphic resonance. Morphic resonance is much like the 19th Century ether, it was a medium that physically carried ideas from brain to brain, like sound traveling through the air in waves.
Now you know and now you have the references. If we are kind to each other it will spread to the world after the 99th person is kind to the 100th person. It will spread from brain to brain instantly via the invisible morphic resonance that pervades the universe.