I mentioned in an earlier blog that America is now so rich, prosperous and diverse that we have reached a commercial threshold, the point where any American who will join the mainstream can fully participate in the prosperity of our society.
That means for many of us who have skills and talents that are above average, we are now able to lead a new kind of life. This life has no name. It is a life where we can pursue the kind of life in which everything we do is fun and much of it generates income.
Many observers have noticed that skilled workers often pursue multiple careers; that job changing and career changing are common modes.
I am going further, I'm saying that many people don't pursue jobs or careers, they pursue their interests and live the life they find enjoyable. These new people are able to support themselves doing what they enjoy most, whatever they enjoy most. There is nothing in this related to trust funds or inheritance.
When I am asked for career advice I am increasingly willing to say to ordinary people: do what you love and you will not find it difficult to support yourself.
I call this choice in life the: can-do-life. I assume you know what I mean and I assume you know people who are living like this.