A few years back I started writing my blogs with a Tokyo byline. I saw my readership fall, so I dropped the byline and vowed not make it obvious when I am in Tokyo.
Wrong interpretation. Turns out my readership climbs rapidly from March to June and falls from then on for a few months. It took years for this pattern to emerge and I don't know the reason or reasons. I came to Tokyo in June and misread the reasons for the readership decline.
Now in Tokyo, as my friends all know, I read fewer blogs and only rudimentary news stories. Deliberately, so I can enjoy Japan and focus on life in Tokyo.
This is just to report that I get more information and a better screen of world news from Bookwormroom than from any other site. Some of the other sites I read are so focused on Obama-Hillary that it is boring.
Photo on the above right is a six year old girl on her way to school alone. You tell me how a society can do this...how could New York (a tiny town compared to Tokyo) possibly be safe for a 6 year old to walk and take the subway to school?